What We Do
Avalon Camps is a local charity based in Somerset. We give disadvantaged children from the Hartcliffe and Withywood areas of Bristol, between the ages of 8 and 9, an opportunity to have a holiday in the countryside. The children are recommended by their teachers and/or care and welfare officers and often have very difficult home lives. Many have never left Bristol, so the camps give them the chance to do something totally different, to learn, play and sleep in the great outdoors, visit local farms and take part in new activities.
When and how do Avalon Camps happen
We hold two Avalon Camps every year. Each are five days long and take place at the beginning of the school summer holidays with 32 children attending each camp. They all sleep in tents and eat together in a marquee so they get to make new friends from day one.
But without our fantastic volunteers, the camps wouldn’t happen. It takes around 150 volunteers working throughout the year on organisation and fundraising to make sure the children have camps to come to.
But the camps cost c.£18,000 a year and are funded entirely through donations and fundraising. Avalon Camps simply wouldn’t happen without the generosity of our supporters. Learn more about supporting the camps here.
Bringing Experiences To Those Less Fortunate